
Friday, November 25, 2016

Powdered sugar days

Remember when you were in grade school and the lunches were actually delicious? Today reminds me of those lunchroom brownies with a light dusting of powdered sugar.  YUM!

So, our Thanksgiving feast was a disaster.  I burned the turkey, made the lumpiest gravy on the planet and forgot the ham entirely.  The table was lovely (thanks to my helpful niece) and the company was delightful, so I've gotta conclude that this Thanksgiving was THE BEST EVER!

 And here's the aftermath.  UGH!

I spent the morning wading through those awful Black Friday e-mails. Now I'm taking a quick break to print my "What's on order" list and go see what framing I can actually get finished up.
Here's an amazing finish from last week.
Santa has never looked better! 

I probably won't be blogging as frequently in the next few weeks.  I'm having terrible guilt when I sit at the computer instead of finishing framing projects.  I'll be back once I wade through the pile.
Happy Holidays!


  1. Well you started out and ended with beautiful photos! ;)

  2. That santa is beautiful and your frame and mat are perfect choices, beautiful job.

  3. Am sure your Thanksgiving dinner was delicious-the table is beautiful as well as the Santa. Send some of the rain east we desperately need it

  4. Those sky photos are amazing! Thanks for sharing. Seems a lot of people had some major oops in their Thanksgiving cooking this year - me included. Bought everything to make pies but forgot flour. How do you make a pie crust without flour ?!!! So we had pumpkin pie filling in Pyrex dishes baked without a crust. The other pies were crust needed so we had pumpkin period! everyone seemed to enjoy the day regardless.


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