
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Drums, sirens and traffic jams

It took us about a half an hour to travel the route from home to the studio today.  Most days it's a 7 minute journey.  My irritation melted the moment I saw a small child dressed as Ariel wagging her little mermaid tail in a hurried effort to get to the parade.

The fur babies are keeping an eye on the passers-by. Drum corps are thrum thrum thrumming.  Little yorkies are harumph harumph harumphing.  Sometimes in time with the drums, sometimes in time with the drummers in their heads.  (I'm pretty sure those drummers are actually squirrels.)

Miss Lois is patiently tucking and pinning this week's stitching in order to ready them for next week's fitting.

Nicole is poking at her phone having a conversation without uttering a word (as all youngsters do these days)

I'm working out some mat colors for a pincushion that want's to be a framed piece.

I'm off to get a little work done before I start my weekend chores.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to share every day life!
    The mate colours are so beatiful, perfect for the cushion/frame!


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