
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Amber on Fire

Some days I wish I could just sit back and watch Amber embellish mats.  She has done some of the most glorious embellishments in the last two weeks that I am absolutely breathless in anticipation of the next design.

When this cross stitch came in, we were delighted and a little nervous about finishing it.  It is literally a once in a lifetime experience getting the opportunity to frame such a magnificent piece of stitching.  To give you a better idea of the magnitude of this piece, the finished size is 43 3/8 inches by 29 inches.  The problem with framing a piece like this lies in how to design a framing package that suits the design without detracting from it in any way.  Well, in this case, I think Randy (yes, a gentleman stitched this) chose a color combination and frame that allowed the stitching to sing.  The frame is highly ornamental, but by keeping the mats in close color harmony, you see the cross stitch first and then delight in the finish.  Job well done, Randy and Amber.

Next on our list of amazing pieces is a lovely needlepoint stitched by our dear friend Nancy.  (we will happily frame needlepoint, however we don't block them.)  Amber and I absolutely relish the chance to just let our creative brains go wild.  This piece allowed us that opportunity, as it lends itself to wild abandon.

And two more pieces that left me breathless when we were finally finished... Christie has done it again, and again. This chandelier is scrumptious.

 I've framed the Grandmother Fairy several times, but I've never been happier with the finished piece.

And finally, a mat set that we are sending overseas to Leslie.  I hope she thinks to send us a photo of the final product as we would love to see what frame she chooses.

If you haven't seen you piece here today, please don't feel slighted.  The pieces I've posted are the ones that I remembered off the top of my head.  I have many hundreds of really handsome finishes in my "hasn't been posted yet" file.  Someday, when I'm not so occupied by cutting mats, chopping and building frames, cutting glass, answering phones, sending e-mails, and feeding hungry dogs, I'll post some more.  

Stay tuned. 


  1. How is it even humanly possible for the two of you to have so much talent?? I'm speechless everytime.! Wonder what you'll do with my next piece...........

  2. WOW- gorgeous work with the framing and the stitching - kudos to all!!!

  3. It's always a pleasure to see your work! I'd love to fly over and help with the computer side of things but my children might object!

  4. The colors and the artwork on the mats are nothing short of amazing - just beautiful! Thank you for showing these to us.

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