
Friday, January 23, 2015

Love letter to my parents

I often look at my life and wonder what I did to deserve the amazing parents I have.  Today I'm thinking of the mantras they taught me.  On a difficult day I will catch myself repeating one of them over and over and they soothe me just as they did years ago when I was being cradled in their arms after a skinned knee or other childhood trauma.

My Mother always had a way of lifting me up on a bad day with:
  • "Tomorrow is another day." 
  •  "In a hundred years it won't matter:"  
  • "Don't cast your pearls before swine."
  • "Do something even if it's wrong."
  • "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again."
  • "Make a beginning and never give up."
  • "The impossible only takes a little longer."
  • "Don't sweat the small stuff - it's all small stuff."
My Father showed me where he finds his inner peace with:
  • "Every day's a good day"
  • "Don't put your energy into the difficult people, put it into the good ones."
  • "I never met a stranger."
  • "People are fascinating if you just get to know them."
  • "Ignore it.  It'll go away."
  • "Go hug your dog."
Thank you, Mom and Dad for being there for me no matter where I am.  Know that your soothing words are always the background noise in my head.

Now, let me show the rest of you what beauties we've had the sheer joy of framing lately...


  1. You do the most amazingly exquisite work!

  2. Beautiful work. Your parents would be proud. Keep up the good work.


  3. Everything is stunning like always.

  4. exquisite pieces being sent home. Loved reading your parents wisdom. I love the "just ignore it - It'll go away" I live by that one ! Mel

  5. Your parents are very lucky to have you, as well!
    Your work is amazing!

  6. Your parents are very lucky to have you, as well!
    Your work is amazing!

  7. Just when I think she can't possibly outdoor her last posted mats, she dazzles me again! How awesome you are!!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  8. Lovely work. What is the Halloween one called? I want it so bad!!!

  9. I like the wedding one, the one in which there's a church that resembles a castle. Below the church picture there are 2 names. They must be the names of those who have said "I do" to each other. I also like the Sleeping Beauty one.
    You have wise parents.


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