
Thursday, August 21, 2014

To Market To Market

I just realized that Rensel Studio flew right past a milestone a couple of weeks ago.  We had our 20th anniversary of starting the business.  It came and went without ceremony.  As always, we were much too busy to stop and look back.

Now that I'm taking a moment to sit and cogitate, I feel a little shocked at how easily those years slipped by me.  I'm feeling a little nostalgic and quite syrupy.    Maybe it's because I'm facing one of those "milestone" birthdays in a month or two and I'm actually paying attention to this one.  Maybe it's watching my parents move into their twilight years in such a graceful and gracious fashion.  Maybe it's watching my niece stretching her gorgeous, capable wings and stepping off the ledge.  Maybe it's because as I look around my little studio and see all of the amazingly beautiful things that were created by even more amazingly beautiful people, I am overwhelmed with the contentment of knowing I've been a part of something warm and beautiful.

I am filled with gratitude.You all have been my family, my friends, and my support system for all of those years.  I cannot imagine a better group of people to entrust my well-being to, and I cannot imagine spending those years any other way.  Thank all of you for seeing me through the first half of my enterprise.  Here's to another amazing 20.  I look forward to spending them all with you and my un-freaking-believable team.  I love you all so much.

The top secret market pieces have finally been released.  There was a discernible smell of Autumn in the air last week. Now that they have officially been released, I can finally show you our contribution (and I don't have to, well, you know...)

Harvest Of Plenty
Mats $68.00
Full Set $120.00

Autumn Sheep
Mats $26.00
Full Set $66.00
Pumpkin Harvest
Mats $60.00
Full Set $158.00

Fall Ewe All
Mats $46.00
Full Set $111.00
Autumn Box
Mats $22.00
Full Set $52.00


  1. Wow--can't believe it's been 20 years! I must have been one of your first customers (and you won't remember!) I have a piece you framed with wonderful mat embellishments--a large Thanksgiving piece by Shepherd's Bush--whenever I put it out in the fall I think of that first trip I made to Ogden about 1994! Now I have several pieces and the next generation (my daughter) sends hers to you as well. There are none better!

  2. Congratulations on 20 years truly amazing creations you do! Wishing you must more success in the next years ahead....the new releases are just beautiful .....

  3. My sincerest Congratulations on 20 years in business - what a wonderful achievement! It is truly a testament to your beautiful work and obviously the way you tend to your customers. It is evident that you love the whole process. Much happiness, joy and continued blessings for another 20 years.

    Your new designs are just wonderful - your creativity is boundless!

  4. Jill…congratulations on 20 fabulous years of amazing work. I love each and every piece of work you have done for me. I'm sitting at my dining room table and counted 29 pieces all framed by you. That's just the ones I can see from my chair. I'm sure there are another 29 on the other walls and 10 more sitting on my table ready for the UPS guy to deliver to you next week. Thank you dear friend for being the 'frosting' on all of my 'cakes'. I love you dearly.

  5. Hi! I am new to this site. Does complete set mean it's for the mat and frame? Thanks.

  6. I like the Pumpkin harvest one. And congrats, 20 years is a long time.


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