
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I could tell you but then I'd have to ...well, you know.

The phones are down again.  The repair crew can't come out until Friday.  Bear with us.  We're busily framing even though we can't talk to you about it.  We're getting the Shepherd's bush ladies ready for market
and I've just gotta say WOWEE do they have some fantastic pieces in the works!  Since I'm sitting here at the computer, I feel compelled to at least SHOW you some of what we've accomplished lately.

All of these pieces were stitched by ONE amazing and lovely lady.  Dixie, you are a joy to work with!
Until next time, giant hugs.


  1. Oh my goodness…Dixie does a fine job of stitching doesn't she? Love what you've done with her work !! HUGS

  2. Wow! She sure is busy. Great work from you and her.

  3. What a great group of finishes!!

  4. Dixie is an amazing stitcher! The combination of her stitching and your framing is so beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, Dixie is one busy stitcher. Everything is beautiful.

  6. Amazing framing as always and beautiful stitching by Dixie

  7. I've been wanting to know more about custom framing and how it's done. I have some pictures that I found that need some nice frames but I don't really know where to get some or how to make them. This has some awesome insights though that gave me some good starting points to go off of.

  8. I like the one with green, wooden frame. The stitched picture says something about being kind to animals and planting a tree.


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