
Friday, May 2, 2014

A little perspective.

We are really backed up in the shipping department right now.  Please know that Amber, Lois, Rosie, Kari and I are all working overtime to get the bottleneck cleared away.  At this moment, we have over 325 custom orders in house.  That's not a huge number to an average frame shop, but each piece we send out simply has to have our signature embellishments.  Some of the simpler pieces - the ones with merely a fantastic frame and no mats may get finished a little quicker, but for the most part, they're all waiting on ME!
(And here I sit at the computer, sigh.)

I spent hours chopping frames today while Amber built them.  I swear - the pile of mouldings just gets bigger every time I turn around!  Here's what's left in my "to be chopped" pile.

Here's what Amber has built while I've been chopping.   This now becomes Lois's pile as she will do quality control inspections on corners and will put the frames with their prospective pieces.

And this is the "ready for embellishment" rack.  So close to being finished I can hardly stand it.  This is the part of the process where it gets really fun.  You'll notice Eddie is supervising.  He is SUCH a big helper!
(The girls are off napping somewhere)

And here's Rosie's fitting pile!  If your piece is in this pile, you're really close to having your piece packed, and shipped and on it's way home to you.

And the best part...
Here's the pile of orders to be shipped.  Almost home!

So many projects, so little time!
I'll get back to work now.


  1. This was so much fun to see - it's like Santa's workshop! Thank you for showing us what goes on behind the scenes at Rensel Studio - it's really remarkable. The stitching community is so lucky to have you to frame our work.
    :) Denise

  2. Thanks for the look at behind the scenes peek of the framing process. You have one adorable supervisor.

  3. Thank you for the peep into the process.

  4. Oh how fun to see how things are done. I'm always interested in seeing what actual work goes into a framed piece before it is hanging on the wall. LOVE all you do!!

  5. No me extraña que tengan tantos pedidos, si hacen unos marcos increíbles, muy artísticos y hermosos.

  6. Thank you for letting us see how it goes there in your shop. I wish you all the best for taming all those piles.


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