Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed.

Maybe it's the way the light is coming through my window.  Maybe it's the sound of contented Yorkie snores and happy English sparrows.  Whatever it is, today is good.  The studio has a upbeat and contented vibe.

We're still working hard to get beautiful pieces finished up, but I want to take a minute to show you what we've been up to.

This is what November looked like at the studio.  These are in no particular order other than that's how they
showed up in my file.

Happiest of holidays to all of you.  You have all brought the studio so much joy this year.
The studio crew


leftystitcher said...

Such beauties! Busy little bees. Merry Christmas. Judi in Tulsa

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous stitching and framing!!!

PNLima said...

You are a magic team, making the world a better place!
Merry Christmas!
All the way from Portugal!
Paula Lima

Kay said...

These are stunningly beautiful. I particularly love the Happy Everything, and Noel Blanc, I will have to look out for them as charts. I really wish you were inEngland, I would travel the country to have you frame my stitching and make it look so amazing. Happy Christmas. x

Unknown said...
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Terri said...

WOW! All are gorgeous!!

Paula said...

Wow, wow, wow. Candy for the eyes. My favorites: Blanc and The Nativity

LaNelle said...

Beautiful blog posting..Merry Christmas and holiday blessings 🕊

Lynn said...

Each one amazingly beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful! You and your crew are amazing!
Happy Holidays to you all and Happy New Year!
I have a box ready to ship but waiting until after the holiday craziness with FEDX. I will be in touch.
Linda Workman

Unknown said...

the blance noel is breathtaking i am going to do that could you tellme if it is done on confederate gray?was going to do it on something darker however really like it on the gray

Cindy Major said...

You have such an eye for design! Looking at your pictures was a real treat for th eyes! :)

Sue said...

Love the frames and mats. The art included in these is approaching magnificent!!

Susan said...

Everything is STUNNING but I am in awe of the one that combined Lavender and Lace's Celtic Christmas and O Christmas Tree.

Jennifer Wright said...

I am speechless as usual. Your works are just stunning. I am espcially in awe of the ones with the deer and wolves. Wow!

Ameen Khatri said...
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